Somewhere Close / Десь поруч

Spring is sneaking into Los Angeles. Officially, there are still two months left until her inauguration. However, here and there, she is sending you secret signals, leaving you encoded messages and giving you subtle hints. During your walks, you catch the sudden smell of the ocean in the air and understand that this fragrance does not belong to the winter. Sometimes you notice, surprised, that the sun has become unexpectedly friendly, to the extent that there is nothing you can do, but take off your warm sweaters and cardigans and place your pale skin under the sun beams. When one January day you come across a cherry blossom tree in a neighbor’s Japanese garden, the tree that you have never seen there – ever, you could swear! – you will have no doubt: the spring is somewhere close. Friends from Europe will tell you stories of snow and relate weather forecasts of "up to -24C at night". You will come acro...