California winter dream / Зимова каліфорнійська мрія

If you have ever seen a picture of Los Angeles in winter, then you are probably deeply convinced that California is the land of eternal summer. That was exactly what I thought when I was getting ready for my first visits here. I was happily stuffing my suitcase with open-back dresses and light sandals. Later, a little bit less happily, I was listening to my teeth chattering at every breath of the ocean wind and was wrapping myself into every accessible sweater and pair of leggings to survive until dawn. Neither of this fitted into my concept of sunny California. Contrary to the widespread stereotype, winter does exist in Southern California. It hides in the alleys of broad-leaf trees. It taps on the windows with the long-awaited rains that everyone was praying for during the long summer droughts. It puts the sun to sleep into the ocean. It proudly displays gingerbread houses in the supermarket shop-windows. Winter is the time of spectacular sunsets, long nights ...